Why We Partnered with Mitsubishi

Element Critical

Why We Partnered with Mitsubishi

Element Critical


The challenge with having a variety of vintages and sizes of data centers in their deployment is that it rules out a “one size fits all” type of solution.





A careful evaluation of all possible solutions is required for each location, and each needs to be assessed separately with the goal of creating heightened customer value every time. Mitsubishi Electric’s 9900B UPS were selected and installed in 2021 for three of Element Critical's most recent data center enhancement projects.


Element Critical remains satisfied with their 9900B UPS to date, citing efficiency, reduced footprint, enhanced technology, and sustainability as reasons for their decision.





Element Critical is a fast growing owner and operator of leading colocation data centers in major IT markets across the US. Building new capacity and modernizing existing facilities to create better customer value is first and foremost in their decision-making process.


They are consumed with selecting equipment that will reduce the risk of downtime and allow their data centers to operate as efficiently as possible to benefit their clients. In addition, they are genuinely committed to reducing their environmental impact with sustainable design and upgrades, as well as striving toward the goal to incorporate renewable power in all of their sites to reduce carbon footprint.



Although Element Critical’s assembly of data centers across the country contains diverse designs and varied aged equipment, their consistent mission is to lower PUE in all facilities to allow passing savings directly on to their customers.


The challenge with having a variety of vintages and sizes of data centers in their deployment is that it rules out a “one size fits all” type of solution. They, therefore, invest significant time to arrive at the optimal solution when modernizing each data center with individual attention.



Recent among Element Critical’s various developmental projects were an expansion at their Chicago One location and a retrofit at Silicon Valley. In both cases, Mitsubishi Electric’s 9900B uninterruptible power supplies were selected.


“ We’ve kicked other tires and looked at other vendors, but your unity power factor, super efficiencies, most modern (technologically advanced) IGBTs on the market, and innovation – it’s everything we want to piggy-back on and leverage. It’s a very robust box, very stout, and as we looked into the future to add capacity, we thought your product was right for us ”

- Cameron Wynne, Chief Data Center Officer at Element Critical


He added that cost, speed to market, and efficiency were other top considerations in vendor selection. “I’ve had experience with these boxes at other colocation firms in the past, and I think very highly of your product." 



Element Critical remains totally satisfied with the Mitsubishi Electric UPS to date: "It’s extremely robust and, quite frankly, I have a lot less people coming to my site operating and maintaining them as opposed to other vendors’ equipment," stated Mr. Wynne. In fact, we discovered that Element Critical has Mitsubishi Electric UPS installed in their northern Virginia locations as well.

“ ...the heart of the data center – the UPS does everything – it’s got all the brains, all the smarts. When it’s not working, neither are your customers. It’s critical to have a nimble, but flexible solid engineering company working with us. We’re riding your coattails on the innovation that you have in the marketplace... ”

- Cameron Wynne, Chief Data Center Officer at Element Critical


Element Critical is a fast growing owner and operator of leading colocation data centers in major IT markets across the US. They consistently focus on tailored solutions for each individual customer and encourage high-touch relationships with customization flexibility to serve their evolving enterprise requirements.


They are adamant about providing equipment and services that are “best in class” and serve a comprehensive range of customers. They employ a unified value-centric mission to their customers and conscientiously incorporate operational efficiencies and sustainability into their decision-making processes.

Element Critical is experiencing rapid growth in a post-COVID era, witnessing a lot of companies returning to a hybrid-IT solution following a quick leap to cloud-based solutions. This shift is a large reason that they are proactively expanding facilities and modernizing aging facilities. Element Critical is always on the lookout for performance enhancements in facilities under construction and incorporating new technology and innovation in all of their data centers.